Sunday, December 30, 2012

2013 in Perspective

The year is 2013. Some say it is the year God will perform His word. Some say it is the year of worship. Others still say it is the jubilee year; the year of expansion and increase. No one wants to be left out; needless to say! Is it prophecy? I am not in any way suggesting I do not believe in prophesies! Nope.

Take 2012 for example. Powerful words were spoken as we began the year. You can ascertain whether all those things came to pass. Are all of us meant to experience the same things? It’s true we almost want the same things; if not financial breakthrough, relationship stability, if not promotion, physical well being and so on. But on the other hand, I believe that each of our paths is unique.

As for me, despite what I have heard concerning 2013, I have determined still to hear for myself what the LORD purposes for me. For the years I have walked with Him, I have understood that the cup meant for you to drink from, shall not be taken away. Few of us are looking towards a season of suffering; and consequently we fail to ask for the grace to help in times of need. Let us look at Paul’s desire.

“I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death,  and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead. -- Philippians 3:10-11

Friends, just as we look at what God can do for us in the New Year, so should we look at what we can do for the Kingdom. I desire to give more financially to the work of God, to be joyful while serving others, to put the interests of others before mine and intercede for the needs of others more than for myself. I believe doing this with faith will attract the glory of Heaven and the blessing of God.

I am fully aware that moments of trouble, weakness, pain and scarcity may come. Why? Because we are still on earth! But the comfort is that God will be with me through these moments to strengthen and help me escape being a better person to the glory of His Name.

For some of us, we are trusting God for that job, for a spouse or any other need we may have. Let me submit it to you that the year may end with none of those being fulfilled. This does not in any way undermine the faithfulness of God. It is important to remember that in as much as it is a New Year to us (mortal men); God appoints seasons in His sovereignty.

God is not going to do things in your life just because it is a New Year (2013)! No. So if the year ends and you still don’t have the car you desired to have, it’s ok; but it is not alright if the year ends and you are at the same level of faith and growth in knowing Christ as you began the year! We ought to become richer towards God whether or not our earthly riches increase.

I still have no better way of looking at 2013 rather than one day at time.

This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. – Psalms 118:24

Happy New Year!

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