Friday, October 18, 2013

In Loving Memory of my Dad

Like Grass in the Morning

Like sand through the hour glass, so are the days of our lives. I am sure some of us may have heard about this program that used to air in KTN those days! I do not mean to imply that I watched the program, but I couldn't ignore seeing that title. Although it seems yesterday, it is now two years since dad passed on (I believe to a better place).

Your transition was so sudden and notably caught all of us off guard. You were well on Monday, fell ill on Tuesday and you couldn't talk on Wednesday and Thursday. It was too sad that on Friday I was comforting your dear wife (my mother) and initiating burial preparations for you. One of the most difficult moments of my life was breaking the news of your demise to my siblings some of whom I was so sure they would not understand.

I was there that morning to embrace your wife when she saw your lifeless body. Perhaps the memory of your lives together and the imagination of a life without you overwhelmed her and drew away every ounce of strength in her heart. At this moment, the faith you introduced me to, was the immediate anchor of my soul. Immediately in those difficult circumstances, I was so aware of the love of God, and in her mourning embrace convinced her that we needed to thank God for your life with us. And I offered the prayer of thanks giving.

I thought I was strong until the next Tuesday we were laying you in your final resting place. The sight of it all drove me to uncontrollable tears and I could feel the shaking of my facial muscles that still I was unable to control. I mean, I was overwhelmed too. The future seemed so uncertain. The comforting words of friends seemed not to lessen the anguish but fire it up! But I thank all of you who stood with us that day.

Some pledged to stand with us in amazing ways. I mean the sweet talk of friends and relatives. Yet in those two years I have clearly understood why the Holy Scriptures warn us not to trust in man. Men were completely unable to help and forgot about us, but God has been there for us faithfully. We have not lacked. The LORD became our father and our source. We are still strong through His grace. A lot have come our way, and our focus and hope we keep, that there will be a brighter and perfect day for all of us! We sincerely miss you.

Surely, in the morning men are like grass which grows up: In the morning it flourishes and grows up; In the evening it is cut down and withers. -- Psalms 90:6

RIP dad.

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