The Word became flesh and dwelt among us full of grace and truth…..and from his fullness have we all received grace upon grace. For the law was given through Moses but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. [John 1:14-17]
Grace was the first thing Jesus Christ brought to us. It is the first thing we must receive from Him. There is no salvation without grace. There is no eternal life without salvation. There is no grace without Jesus Christ as grace came through Him.
Grace is the central foundation of the new covenant to which we are privileged to be part of. Grace introduces us to the covenant and the covenant keeper Himself. We believe Him because we have received the grace He brought (mark you; we have received grace upon grace).
Prophets enquired and searched diligently and prophesied of the grace that should come unto you. …The angels desired to look into these things. But it was revealed that it was not unto themselves but unto us they ministered. [1 Peter 1:10]
There was something exceptional about the second covenant which the prophets for saw. It had not been there before. It was something of great delight such that even the angels were envious of it. It was the grace that was to come to us! They would crave to gather every niche of it and try to understand the timing and the targeted people. It must have saddened them that they were only ministers to us! Friends, when Jesus Christ the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of men appeared, he came with it; the grace. Grace is the reason for His blood!
I have identified three effects of grace in our lives: